How to Get the Most Out of Your Health Coaching Program

How to get the most out of your health coaching program. // Four Wellness Co. wellness blog // healthy lifestyle and health coaching tips from a certified integrative nutrition health coach

Health coaching is a partnership for your best health.

Your health coach is a wellness authority, specifically trained in helping you achieve your health and wellness goals.

But an equally important part of the partnership is you. You are the world's best expert in your own body. (Don't feel that way yet? No worries, your health coach can help you get there!

When working with a health coach, there are some key things to keep in mind to be sure you’re having the most helpful and productive coaching sessions getting the best health results possible.

6 tips to maximize your health coaching results

Here are six simple simple tips for getting the most out of your health coaching program:

Tip #1: Honesty all the way

Being completely honest with your health coach is the best way for them to get to know you and understand your health needs and goals—and then help you reach them! 

Health coaching (from properly accredited health coaches) is completely private and confidential. Your health coach will only use the information you provide within the context of your health coaching program, to help you achieve your wellness goals.

So, keep in mind that sharing full and accurate information with your health coach is key to ensuring you get the best support and health results possible.

Tip #2: Be on time & prepared

Your health coaching sessions will typically begin and end at a specific time (and they’ll end at the designated time, regardless if they began late or note), so make sure you're on time and ready to go for each session. You can get the most out of your scheduled time with your health coach by doing a little preparation ahead of time, such as:

  • reviewing your notes from the previous session

  • reviewing the status of your action items for the week and noting anything in particular you learned, struggled with, or had questions about

  • reviewing your most recent journal entry reflection

  • asking yourself "What do I want to get out of today's session?" and coming prepared with that intention

Tip #3: Organize your program notes & materials in one location

Treat your health coaching program like a class you're taking: Be prepared to receive materials (handouts, resources, recipes, links, etc.), to take notes, and to have some "assignments." Whether you prefer paper copies or digital resources, choose one place to store all of your health coaching program materials. Here are some tips for keeping everything organized:

  • Create a folder in your email inbox specifically for your health coaching emails, or any communication from your health coach.

  • Get a new notebook (or create a new folder on your computer) for your health coaching session notes and journal entries.

  • Designate a folder or binder (or create a digital folder on your computer) for your health coaching handouts and materials.

Tip #4: Communicate with your health coach early & often

Have a question about one of your wellness tips? Don't hesitate to reach out and ask your health coach. Something not working for you? Definitely let your coach know. The sooner your health coach knows about your question/concern, the sooner we can answer or help resolve it. Ongoing email support is a perk of many health coaching programs, so use your resources to your full advantage! 

Tip #5: Give everything a try

Health coaching is all about personal growth and trying on new concepts and ways of doing things in order to find what works best for you. Sometimes your health coach may give a recommendation that feels uncomfortable, challenging or stretches you in some way.

Commit to giving everything a try—you may be surprised to find how much you like something you were initially unsure of. You can be honest with your coach if you're hesitant to try something and he/she can help you come up with a manageable plan to do so. Remember, your health coach will only make recommendations that are safe for you! 

Tip #6: You get what you give

All in all, health coaching is the type of experience that you get out of what you put into it. Go forward with full commitment to the health coaching program you've enrolled in—attend all sessions, engage with the material, try out the recommendations in your daily life. If you actively and whole-heartedly participate in all aspects of the health coaching experience, you can expect to get great things from it.

Four Wellness Tip

Follow the tips above to get the most benefit (& best health results!) out of your health coaching program.