What Is Health Coaching & How Can It Benefit You?

What is health coaching & how can it help you achieve your wellness goals? // Four Wellness Co. wellness blog, healthy lifestyle tips from an integrative nutrition health coach

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Health coaching is a relatively new (and quickly growing!) part of the American healthcare system. Health coaches may work in similar settings as other health practitioners, including doctors' offices, corporate wellness programs, fitness centers and community health programs. However, we provide a different approach and set of services.

What's the difference between a health coach and a doctor?

There are quite a few differences between doctors and health coaches, but simply put:

Doctors are trained in medicine, and health coaches are trained in using food and lifestyle as medicine.

There are also differences in how doctors and health coaches provide services. 

The role of a health coach

Think about your last visit to your doctor: How much time did you spend with him/her? And, how long before that was your previous visit?

Doctors are highly-trained specialty resources and, due to their busy schedules, can typically only spend 15 minutes (or less!) per visit with each patient. Their primary goal is to evaluate, stabilize and get you on your way. 

Some doctors rely on prescription medication to treat patients quickly, rather than diving deeper into the root cause of a health issue (for example, prescribing blood pressure medication rather than discussing how diet and lifestyle impact blood pressure, or asking what your sleep schedule or stress management techniques are like). 

While doctors are an incredibly essential part of our healthcare system, they generally don't receive much training in nutrition (even by their own estimation), nor in working with patients on long-term, sustainable lifestyle changes. And that's where health coaching comes in!

What does a health coach do?

In contrast to a doctor, a health coach does not diagnose or prescribe treatment. 

A health coach is a wellness authority who serves as a guide in making positive, health-promoting food and lifestyle changes. Whether you'd like to lose 10 pounds (or more), sleep better, de-stress or naturally clear up acne, health coaches focus on helping you set and achieve health goals in a way that is integrated into your lifestyle so you can maintain your results long-term. 

Health coaching is an interactive process. It's all about action, accountability and follow-through. Because of this, health coaching tends to be more program-based (meeting regularly over the course of several months), rather than a one-time visit in which you receive a diagnosis and prescription. 

But to be very clear: Health coaching is not a replacement for regular visits with your doctor. Rather, it's a complement to other healthcare services you may be receiving, including working with your doctor, specialists or alternative healthcare practitioners.  

What is health coaching? Health coaches are trained in using food and lifestyle as medicine. // Four Wellness Co. wellness blog, healthy lifestyle tips from a certified integrative nutrition health coach

What’s the purpose & benefit of health coaching?

Health coaches can be a beneficial resource for supporting your health and wellness goals—whether that’s diet, fitness, healthy lifestyle, or all of the above—but there are also some limitations of health coaching to know about.

Benefits of health coaching

Working with a health coach can be very effective for people who have minor health concerns or simply a desire for improved long-term health and well-being. A health coach can help outline a specific plan for achieving these goals, and provide support, accountability and helpful resources along the way.

Some of the common areas health coaches work with are:

  • Sustainable weight management

  • Stress & anxiety

  • Digestion & nutrient absorption

  • Allergies

  • Immunity

  • Acne & other skin conditions

  • Sleep

  • PMS & menstrual cramps

  • Autoimmune disease

  • Energy & mental clarity

  • Fitness routines

  • Healthy personal care & home products

Limits of health coaching

Health coaching is not your best bet for severe, complex or advanced conditions (like cancer, kidney failure, addiction, etc.).

Some health coaches may be able to serve as a complementary service for people receiving proper medical treatment for severe or complex conditions; however, this should be discussed with the health coach on a case-by-case basis. 

Health coaching is not a regulated profession, so look for coaches who have been trained by a reputable nutrition school, are a member of a professional association of health coaches, and who follow the guidelines of the International Coach Federation.

Health coaching certification

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition is the world's largest nutrition school. Graduates study over 100 dietary theories and coaching methods from some of the world's top nutrition experts. Integrative nutrition emphasizes four areas in addition to nutrition: physical activity, relationships, career and spirituality.


Four Wellness Co. is founded by a certified integrative nutrition health coach, so our resources are based on these four principles of healthy living (physical activity, relationships, career, and spirituality or mindset), in addition to nutrition.

What about other nutrition-related professions?

There are some other nutrition-related professions you may hear about: nutritionist, registered dietitian, or RD.

In most U.S. states, the term nutritionist is not legally regulated, so can be used to refer to a variety of backgrounds and training. 

A registered dietitian (RD) is someone who has completed a diet and nutrition Bachelor’s degree, residency and national exam. Registered dietitians typically work alongside doctors in hospitals or clinics, where they assist in treating serious medical conditions based on the nutrition policies of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Health coaching differs from the work of registered dietitians: as a regulated profession, RDs must apply specific national nutrition policies, whereas health coaches have more flexibility to work with a variety of approaches based on client bioindividuality (the concept that we all have slightly different nutrition and health needs based on genetic and lifestyle factors).

Working together for a comprehensive healthcare system

Doctors, registered dietitians and health coaches all have unique and important healthcare roles. This article is meant as a guide to help you understand the differences between these roles and make informed decisions to meet your health goals.  

Four Wellness Tip

How can different healthcare and wellness professionals help you achieve your personal health & wellness goals?